The Good News From The Gardens Podcast

Welcome to The Good News From The Gardens Podcast. I am Pastor Steve Winsor, of Nativity Lutheran Church and School in Palm Beach Gardens Florida. Each week I will be sharing a message grounded in faith, hope and love of God from our Sunday worship service right here via this podcast. I hope you consider subscribing and sharing this message with others.

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Pastor Steve Winsor

Welcome to The Good News From The Gardens podcast.
Hi! I am Pastor Steve Winsor, of Nativity Lutheran Church and School in Palm Beach Gardens Florida. I take God's love of us in Jesus Christ seriously, but as evidenced by this picture, I don't take myself too seriously. It is this grace filled vantage point from which I share with you a message grounded in faith, hope and love of God from our Sunday worship service right here via this podcast. I hope you consider subscribing and sharing this message with others.


5 days ago

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Jesus’ attempt to retreat with his disciples is disrupted by an overwhelming demand for their ministry. Jesus diverts his attention to a crowd of people who appear lost.
What happens when our need for healing and wholeness, is met by the One who recognizes our need for healing and wholeness? For your own healing and wholeness, in what ways are you moving to where Jesus is, or will be? Listen to this message and ponder the healing reach of the ever present, and compassionate Jesus Christ.      
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071424 | The Days of Our Lives

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

Mark 6:14-29
The Days of Our Lives
This passage from Mark is the stuff daytime soap operas are made of, mistaken identities, infidelity, persons played as pawns for power, greed, and revenge. Whether it is 30 or 2024 CE, these are the days of our lives. Situated after Jesus sending the twelve out two by two, this story about John the Baptist’s death foreshadows the danger of speaking God’s truth in Jesus Christ. It is for all the dirty deeds in this ancient soap opera, and our lives that God sent his only so that we can be made clean. Have a listen as we air out King Herod and family’s dirty laundry, and learn a thing or two from it for ourselves.    
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Evangelism 101: OJT with Jesus

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

Mark 6:1-13
Back in his hometown, Jesus runs into disbelief and opposition surrounding his knowledge and healing powers. Right on the heels of this experience, He sends his disciples into villages two by two to do what he just had difficulty doing. His instructions, “take nothing for your journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; but two wear sandals and not to put on two tunics.” This doesn't seem to be a model of success for a traveling salesman, let alone traveling healers, or is it?! In this message let's ponder together what evangelism might look like for us in this day and age. here to explore and support the ministry of Nativity.

063024 | That Healing Touch

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024

Mark 5:21-43
That Healing Touch
In this message we hear two intermingled stories of Jesus healing. A desperate father asks Jesus to heal his actively dying daughter. While enroute to said child, a woman who has bled for 12 years reaches to touch Jesus cloak and is instantaneously healed. Jesus takes the time to hear her story. Meanwhile, tending to the dying girl has been put on hold. It is too late, and she is presumed dead. Once there, Jesus commands her to stand, and she does. These two stories offer us insight into the mode, and timing  of Jesus healing, and the sole prerequisite for being healed - do not fear, only believe.  
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Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

Mark 4:26-34
Through two similar parables in this week’s Gospel we hear Jesus describe how the kingdom of God works. The kingdom God, the proliferation of what is good and righteous comes to be through any and all possible means. And though it may seem will-nilly, and unordered, consider the process of seed to harvest. Or consider the unassuming mustard seed, whose benefits may be hard to see, that is, until it grows and provides for the birds of the air. In this message, you will be reminded of God’s provision and providence in our lives.
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Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

In this message we join Jesus in the midst of an identity crisis. That is, those around him are not recognizing his power, even calling him Satan! His family are attempting to silence him. Jesus denounces those who stand against him and recognizes those who stand with him as being his true kin. Life is rife with contention about what is of good and bad origin. How does your identity in, and of Christ compare with that of others? How might we hear and understand one another ahead of being judgmental or fearful? 
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Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

Psalm 145:8-9
Mark 1:40-45. 
This message was given by Rev. Tim Smiley. Tim is an ordained elder of the United Methodist Church, recently retired from full-time pastoral ministry after forty-one years of service. He remains active in ministry as a guest preacher, mentoring pastors, and together with his wife, Candy, serving as members of their local church. If the name sounds familiar, it should. Tim shepherded the former Trinity United Methodist, and now The Gathering Place congregation as they transitioned into a new expression of God’s church. Pastor Tim and Candy reside in Riviera Beach. Thank you for serving  up Good News for the Nativity Community and beyond Tim! 
Click here to visit and/or support the ministry of Nativity Lutheran

Monday May 27, 2024

The Holy Trinity. In trying to define and explain it, our words awkwardly dance in and out of heresies. In trying to define and explain the Holy Trinity, we risk isolating, elevating or demoting one over the others, and damaging the intimacy of the relationship. When we try to define and explain the Holy Trinity we undermine the mystery of faith. Perhaps we just admire its efficacy at bringing us closer to our Triune God, and one another. Best described as a dance, perhaps we are simply called to admire it and emulate it as best we humanly can. Listen to this podcast to ponder in good faith what it looks like to admire and emulate the love of our Trinitarian God.
Click here to visit Nativity's website.

Tuesday May 21, 2024

The third person of the Trinity had their day this past Sunday as we celebrated the arrival of the Holy Spirit to Jesus' community of believers. How did the Holy Spirit arrive? The book of Acts explains in detail. Why do we need the Spirit? Jesus explains in John. What will the Spirit do for us? Paul explains in Romans. What is the Spirit capable of? Ezekiel shares a vision of life arising out of death. What does all this have to do with you? EVERYTHING! Listen, and contemplate the relevancy of the Holy Spirit in your life.  
Click here to visit Nativity's website.

Friday May 10, 2024

Both God and Jesus said, “Listen”. It was a heads up that what they were about to say was important. I believe everyone has something important to say. Everyone has a story, an event that helps to define who they are, and possess the power to connect us to one another in ways that only the Holy Spirit can.
Our first guests are longtime member (40+ years) Karen Joyce, and her son Bret Rizzo (first person to attend seminary from Nativity Lutheran). Karen prays. Bret amazes at his mother's faith, and both recall the early years of Nativity. 
Who will we listen to next? Maybe you! Contact Pastor Steve at before he contacts you!
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